What is an Acne?

Acne vulgaris (commonly called acne) is an extremely common skin condition, caused by changes in pilosebaceous units, skin structures consisting of a hair follicle and its associated sebaceous gland, via androgen stimulation. It is characterized by noninflammatory follicular papules or comedones and by inflammatory papules, pustules, and nodules in its more severe forms. Acne vulgaris affects the areas of skin with the densest population of sebaceous follicles; these areas include the face, the upper part of the chest, and the back. Severe acne is inflammatory, but acne can also manifest in noninflammatory forms. Find out more frm this site

What is a Pimple?

A pimple is a result of a blockage of the skin. Inside the pore are sebaceous glands which produce sebum. When the outer layers of skin shed (as they do continuously), the dead skin cells left behind may become 'glued' together by the sebum. This causes a blockage in the pore, especially when the skin becomes thicker at puberty.'s pore. It can be a pustule or papule. Find out more from this site.

The time when we are most prone to acne pimples will be when we were teenagers. And you will most probably consult your parents and the number one advise was to stop squeezing the pus out of the red blemish. Apparently by squeezing, you will make it worse. But do we actually know why it will only magnify our problems?

The explanation is simple. When you pick a pimple, it spreads and can infect the surrounding areas as well. It will be best to leave it alone or else, you might have an acne breakout.
If you cannot resist picking it, then you should learn how to squeeze a pimple the right way. There are 2 particular occasions you can do it. You can either do it after a shower or after you wash your face. This is when your facial pores are open. But you are advised not to use your fingers to pick the red blemish though. The reason is because the pus will be on your fingers and if you did not wash it, and start touching other parts of your face, those parts will be infected and more pimples will start appearing as well, hence, an acne breakout.

So if you can't get your fingers to do the job, what else can you use? You are not going to like it but you can get a sterilized needle to prick it. Prepare some tissue by the side and the moment you prick it, take the tissue to stop the pus from flowing down your face.
So my advice is: if possible, do not prick the pimple, but if you have to do it, do it the right way and use the needle.

To be frank, how many of us will actually take a needle and poke it into our own face. There are better ways of reducing the pimples. There are some better methods you can use to get rid of your pimples and do not have to resort to popping it.
There is another method you can consider and that is by using toothpaste. Check out the blog here at http://www.getridofacneadvice.com/ on how to use toothpaste to reduce the size of your acne pimple.

from : http://www.ezinearticles.com/?How-to-Squeeze-a-Pimple-Properly---Do-it-Right-or-Else-You-May-End-Up-With-More-Pimples-Popping-Out&id=3044524

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